Tuesday, May 25, 2010

Grief: it's whats for dinner!

You are what you eat. Growing up you heard this time and time again, usually as a way to get you to eat better. What does that really mean? Well simply put if you eat healthy you will be healthy. We know that if we eat fatty foods we will gain weight, too much sugar could lead to diabetes, artificial stimulants disrupute our thought process, so why would we eat meat that is tortured, sickly, or raised in it's own filth?
Factory farming is not only cruel to animals, it is destructive to the enviroment and to our health. These animals are packed tightly together, in some instances unable to move, fattened, given antibiotics to prevent disease, live in filthy conditions(their own filth, feces, and the bugs that feed on it) and are often slaughtered in cruel ways. It also takes a toll on decent, hard working folks- from the family farms that it displaces to the people who are forced to work under these conditions. The Socially Responsible Agricultural Project has a website with links to various articles on the effects of factory farming here: http://www.sraproject.org/factoryfarms/issues/health/threats/
Now, all this being said the question is "what can I do about it?" At the present time we are trying to get an amendment to the Ohio Constitution which would require the Ohio Livestock Care Standards Board to establish minimum humane standards for certain farm animals within six years after adoption of the amendment. If you would like to know more about this amendment, would like to sign the petition, or would like to get copies of the petition so you can do more you can contact us at Daytontribe@yahoo.com and I will get back to you as quickly as possible. This is only the first step in this struggle, and together we can make sure it's not the last.

Monday, May 3, 2010

upcoming events

Events for may 2010

I am in the process of trying to put together some things for may, these are a few I previously had planned:

  • fri. may 7, 5:00 p.m. - 10:00 a.m.: We will be attending the art hop in the oregon district.

  • weds. may 12 : We will be holding a flyer drop at one of the local colleges (date subject to change)

  • sun. may 30th : Celebrating the birthday of a member of The Tribe.
This list is subject to (and most likely will) change so check back here for information on other events. If you would like to know how you can attend these events you can contact me at: daytontribe@yahoo.com

Sunday, May 2, 2010

Who we are:

Guiding Principles

This day and age people are looking to belong more then ever. We have lost any real connection to each other so we tend to externalize ourselves more and more. Whether it's through politics, nationality, religion, sexuality, or even the music we listen to and our favorite sports teams, we seek to be a part of something greater. Yet no matter how vocal we are in our "beliefs" and "values" we just wind up isolating ourselves more and more. This is because these things are unnatural constructs, designed by us to define who we are.
We as Tribal Anarchist believe that the only way we can really connect to each other as human beings is through The Tribe, a completely organic entity. Our Ancestors knew this and it comes across in their views on the innangard and the utangard, the innangard being the tribe and the greater community of the folk.
Many people today don't understand what an anarchist is, they tend to think of it as an individual who seeks to achieve chaos and destruction of the social structure. Ernst Junger described anarch as a metaphysical ideal figure of a sovereign individual, and this is how we define the word. The Anarch is to the Anarchist as the Monarch is to the Monarchist.

Now I will attempt to explain my beliefs as a Tribal Anarchist:
  • Every ethnicity has the right to exist and maintain their people without intervention from outside forces, this includes people of European descent. In this modern day and age many people will attack this belief as racist, but this is just not so. It is good to have pride in yourself and your people and you should want to see your kin get ahead in life. This is socially acceptable and promoted amongst all "minority" groups, but is discouraged amongst Europeans.
  • A strong family structure is the key to our survival as a people, for without the joining together of man and woman there is no future for our people. Again naysayers would attack this as being homophobic, but I find this ludicrous. I have absolutely no problem with what you do in your bedroom, as long as you don't push that on me.
  • In his essay "The Idea of Integral Culture" Dr. Stephen Flowers proposed that there are four essential, identifiable categories that encompass culture(Tyr vol. 1), one of these is ethical. Amongst the things that this encompasses is religion. Spiritual strength is key to a healthy existence, and sound religious beliefs is necessary for true spiritual strength. I find spiritual strength in the way of my Ancestors, what I call the Folkway. This goes by many different names, including Asatru, Germanic Heathenism, Forn Sed, and Paganism. However, again, I do not discriminate, and there are those amongst us who follow christian gods, as well as other forms of spirituality.
  • We hold mother earth near and dear to our hearts. We see in this modern world a complete lack of respect for nature, and the natural way of things. This manifests itself in toxic waste, pollution, littering, lack of desire to conserve energy, and an all around apathetic view towards the world around us. We ARE NOT above or separate from this earth, and as we kill it so we kill ourselves.
  • Last, but certainly not least, we find our truest enemies in The Powers That Be. The bureaucrats in control have installed themselves as the new religions, they have taken on the powers of royalty. We seek to limit their powers to control us and meddle in our lives. We are anti-statist, anti-capitalist, anti-totalitarianism, and anti-imperialist. We oppose marxism, socialism, and nazism as well as any other form of government that seeks to control the people for it's own benefit. We are advocates of decentralization, the smaller the better. We are beyond Left or Right, we are Third Position. We don't wish to impose our way on others, and we don't want them imposing theirs on us.
These are just a few of many beliefs and values we hold dear, but they are important ones. We would like to create small, autonomous societies, relying on our own hard work and determination to build a better future for our folk, and we think that everyone else should do the same. Even if we don't always hold the same views as other communities like ours we are more then willing to work with them towards a greater good, whether they are our next door neighbors or the free people of Tibet. We look to the past, the way of our Ancestors, to create a better future for our children.

So it begins...

Tribal Anarchism:
The future, from the past

In this day and age we are no longer people. We are nameless, faceless consumers who are here for the benefit of the corporate machine. The only value we have is in the amount of money we can make the powers that be. We go through life doing one meaningless thing after another, action for the sake of action. We are constantly in contact with others, but have never been more alone. We drudge through this meaningless existence, performing one motion after another, never really doing anything. We drug ourselves with fatty foods, fracture our minds with artificial stimulants, preoccupying ourselves with mindless "entertainment". We are never really happy, and most of us can't understand why. This has manifested itself in many forms: Dis-ease, addiction, and mental illness, just to name a few. There are those, however, who do see the problem, yet feel powerless to stop it. "What can we do against The Behemoth?" "How can I make a difference?" Often this Awakening will only make things worse. We are only a grain of sand, a speck, a particle; How can we be expected to stop the machine? Those who do dare to stand up and speak out face ridicule, or worse, and often fall back into old habits. However there are those with the moral fortitude to press on DESPITE the overwhelming odds, we have not forgotten the face of our Ancestors. We go by many names, one of which is Tribal Anarchists.